ORIJEN Epic Bites dog food can be fed as a nourishing topper on their favorite ORIJEN dry dog food, as a standalone meal rich with nutrients and flavor, or as rewarding treats. As a dog food topper, these ORIJEN WholePrey bites add flavor, texture and raw animal ingredients to their favorite ORIJEN dog food kibble. Give your dog real, raw nourishment conveniently freeze-dried with ORIJEN Epic Bites freeze dried dog food.
Venison, duck, flounder, lamb, duck liver, whole herring, lamb liver, wild boar liver, wild boar, goat, pea fiber, lamb kidney, lamb tripe, wild boar hearts, wild boar kidney, whole pumpkin, collard greens, whole apples, whole carrots, whole pears, whole butternut squash, goat liver, goat tripe, goat kidney, salt, dried kelp, zinc proteinate, manganese proteinate, copper proteinate, calcium pantothenate, vitamin E supplement, mixed tocopherols (preservative), riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, rosemary extract, citric acid (preservative).
Calorie content (calculated): ME 4980 kcal/kg,61 kcal per ¼ cup of bites. Calories distributed to support ideal body condition with 30% from protein, 9% from carbohydrate and 61% from fat.
ORIJEN™ FREEZE-DRIED EPIC BITES TUNDRA™ DOG FOOD is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages, except for growth of large size dogs (70 lb or more as an adult).
Guaranteed Analysis